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Reporting events

Hearings, workshops and events are an everyday occurrence in Brussels. So much so that it can be a challenge to attend meetings and report on what has been discussed. 


The Brussels Writing Bureau can capture and report the outputs of your important meetings. This could be a summary report or a full transcript, depending on what you need.


We can send one of our team to the meeting to write up proceedings on your behalf. Because our writers are familiar with the topics they cover, they understand what is important and add real value to the report.


Alternatively, we can record the proceedings - assuming we are allowed to -  and produce a verbatim transcript.

Depending on how you plan to use your report, we can write it up in many ways.


  • A briefing note for managers or members;

  • A Summary report (including layout and design if you need it);

  • Content for your newsletter, website or blog;


Whichever option you choose, you get it quickly and ready to use.



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